Who would win these matches?
Question by X Rated superstar: Who would win these matches?
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Event 1: Eric Bischoff comes out and says tonight Randy Orton since you kicked The Rock in the head last week I was confronted by our chairman Stone Cold Steve Austin and he said that tonight there will be a tag team match Sting and Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton and Booker T but I then said I had a better idea Randy Orton vs Booker T not in a title match in a match in which if you lose Orton you can never have a title shot against Booker if you lose also tonight Brock Lesnar vs Sting oh and Stone Cold wants to talk to you Orton.
Event 2: Rob Van Dam vs Shelton Benjamin if RVD wins he is in the match for the I.C title against Mr Kennedy,Scott Steiner and Shelton Benjamin.
Event 3: Randy Orton is talking and says we are the ERA of GREATNESS Cade,Morrison and Savage and tonight I will need your help. To beat the living hell out of Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Event 4: John Morrison and Lance Cade vs Samoa Joe and AJ Styles.
Event 5: Lita w/Edge vs Taylor Wilde
After the match on the titantron Kurt Angle says I found a loop hole in the contract you said I can’t hit you but I can hit Lita but I won’t unless you give me a match at March Madness this Sunday then Eric Bischoff says no that match won’t happen until the King of WWA Tournament starts next week and you two are in the first match.
Event 6: Stone Cold arrives and says into the mic Orton you are going to be punished by what you did do The Rock on his one night appearance. Orton you dare hit me I will fire your ass.
Event 7: Tommy Dreamer vs MVP
Event 8: Eric Bischoff is in his office when Edge goes in there and says what are you doing making me vs Kurt next week. Bischoff says Business oh and I have just decided you have a match next oh and your opponent is The WWA Champion Triple H.
Event 9: I choose the winner of this match for storyline purposes. Triple H is about to win when he has Edge in the pedigree position until Shawn Michaels comes out and says you know how on Fusion on Monday you ambushed my trainer well here is a video of me bashing up your dad Triple H turns around and looks at Shawn and Edge gets the roll up and wins. After the match Triple H runs at Shawn and gets the mic and says Sunday I will do what Sting couldn’t do beat your ass and retain my title.
Event 10: Sting vs Brock Lesnar
After the match Booker T and the ERA of GREATNESS come down and bash up both Sting and Brock Lesnar and Orton says Booker me and you now.
Event 11: Randy Orton w/Randy Savage,Lance Cade and John Morrison vs Booker T if Booker T wins Orton can never have a title match against him while he is holding the title.
Main Event: Stone Cold comes out and confronts Randy Orton and says your group The ERA of GREATNESS well I thought this is the best punishment yourrrrr then out of nowhere Orton RKO’s Stone Cold and punts him in the head and says what am I Stone Cold come on say it you piece of shit. Then music starts playing and then the former WWA Chairman comes out and says I gave my company to you Steve and what did you do. You made it a chaos centre well I have just talked to the board of directors and well I just bought 50% of this company back and well what brand did I buy well I bought Fusion but Steve you look injured so I will be the chairman for both brands until you come back. Oh and Orton and all The ERA of GREATNESS can’t be fired because as of now I have given them a 1 year contract which they can not be fired even by you Steve.
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Best answer:
Answer by dOwNwArD_sPiRaL23
Um for starters I compliment you that you’re quite ambitious and seems like you put a LOT of thought and effort into this “show.”
Here’s some advice though, make Brock Lesnar die in a terrible accident. He was a HORRIBLE wrestler. Other than that, I’m just all sorts of confused as to what is going on here
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