Which usb internet connection service provider should I go with?
Question by Janelli: Which usb internet connection service provider should I go with?
Tmobile has the webconnect and with a 2 yr contract you get the usb stick for free.
Without a contract the stick is $ 149.99.
Their service plans are
29.95 200Mb
49.99 5GB
AT&T has the usbconnect Mercury for 19.99 after MIR and their plans are
$ 35 200Mb
$ 60 5GB
My question is which is a better deal and is it possible to use more than 5GB?
My main use of the internet is to watch videos, downloading music and just surfing the net.
Best answer:
Answer by Timo
Most of the mobile Internet Service plans have now a limit of 5GB max. Yes it is possible to use more than 5 GB bandwith but you have to pay for the bandwith over your limit. If you’d like to see videos over the Internet try to find free WIFI hotspots that let’s you surf the web for free.
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