What would you suggest a person to do if they wanted to get a job in the music industry?
Question by seanpn1982: What would you suggest a person to do if they wanted to get a job in the music industry?
I am looking for a job that centers around music, maybe producing or music business. The trouble is I don’t know where to begin. I am looking to move to Nashville, TN.
Best answer:
Answer by Michael M
You best shot to get your foot in the door is to offer to work as a free intern. I known there are websites that will hook you up for that sort of thing in Los Angeles. I’m sure that Nashville will be the same. Honestly try it that way first, if nothing, I will drop your name to a couple of smaller producers there and see if they could use an intern.
JUST REMEMBER – its no paid, crap work and 1000 other people will be willing to accept these terms.
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