What should I do to become a better music producer?
Question by One: What should I do to become a better music producer?
I started makin beats using FL STUDIO like 3 years ago. At first I sucked, but then I started making some memorable ones. You would think now my beats would be better then my old ones but it feels like Im sucking more everyday lol. Or maybe I’m just experiencing producer’s block. Is music theory/learning piano gona make me better? is it worth it?
Best answer:
Answer by Brian Dumont
Whats up. You don’t need to learn music theory to make hot beats. I do know what you need though. You need to read this guide. http://858847tc8i177rexjyvkhbrfut.hop.clickbank.net/ its all about successfully making beats. It has so much info from what your set up should be like to mixing/mastering to selling your beats and everything in between. Luckily for you it is directed to people that use software. Its only 29.99 and if you don’t like it you can get all your money back. You have nothing to lose trust me. I’ve read it and it stepped my beat game up.
Just copy and paste that link into your web browser if you cant click on it.
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