What does it mean to be “stable enough to get married?”?
Question by hangupandtryagain: What does it mean to be “stable enough to get married?”?
I am 27 and my girlfriend is 24. I live on my own and she still lives with her parents (due to cultural reasons expressed by her father.) Her father is “old fashioned” and a doctor (a career which is a tough act to follow). I have to ask him for permission to marry his daughter and he (and of course my girlfriend) want me to to be “stable” before being able to marry her. My girlfriend does not want a big fancy “doctor’s” house, luxury cars, or jewelry. She just wants the basic house, car, etc. We both want to take care of each other and be equals.
We both have A.A. Degrees. She wants to get a Bachelor’s in Business and work in some aspect of music business. I have decided to study for A+ and Microsoft Certificates to work in Computer Repair & troubleshooting,etc. But I first have to make enough money and “pay the bills” to ask her father.
The main question is…”how much money does one need to make to “be stable enough to get married?” How much college and/or certificates?
Best answer:
Answer by Zaid H
Getting a stand on ur own feet, Not standing actully getting a permenant job, a home and a way of life before you think to spent rest of ur lift with some one….
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