What do TV, movie, and music companies have against youtube? ?
Question by SwimGuy: What do TV, movie, and music companies have against youtube? ?
I own many original CDs and DVDs. The thing these have in common is that I watched them and heard of them on youtube.
I own many original rock CDs, and I heard the music of those artists for the first time on youtube. After listening to them a lot on youtube, I felt like buying their music.
The same thing with several movies I own. I saw the entire movie on youtube and like it so much I bought the original DVD.
I own several seasons of some shows, and before I bought them, I watched all the episodes on youtube, and I liked them so much I bought them.
I think companies are stupid not to let their shows to be shown on youtube. NBC is always deleting anything that features their material, I think this is a bad idea, because I don’t own any seasons of any NBC show. The same thing with shows form other networks such as MTV, PBS and others who are constantly deleting their material from youtube. I have never bought any seasons of any of their TV shows.
Shouldn’t companies just let their material be posted?
Best answer:
Answer by mcq316
Most people see those things on youtube, and then DON’T buy them. They already have them for free. When you watch ‘The Daily Show’ on youtube, Comedy Central gets nothing for that. When you watch it on TV or on Comedy Central’s website, they benefit. The companies want THEIR material controlled in the way it is made available. They want to make money from it, and they don’t make money from youtube.
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