What do these Hip Hop Music Moguls Have in common with Don Imus?
Question by Chief: What do these Hip Hop Music Moguls Have in common with Don Imus?
Clive Davis
David Geffen
Richard Branson
Tommy Mattola
Beside’s the fact that each are worth more than 100 million a piece and hold the distribution rights to 75% of the rap industry.
People are quick to point out the hypocricy in others but fail to see it in themselve.
GM Pull their adds from imus ,but wasnt it Crystler who solicited Snoop dawg along with Lee Iococa for its commercials?and cadilac had him design the Snoop Devile.
How can anyone hold the black community soley responsible for rap music ,when its simple supply and demand .the supply urban communities the demand the suburbs who account for 60% of all sales.
And a double standard if any would be not to hold the above mention gentlemen who have built empires, equally responsible.
Ciggarettes are known killers thats an undeniable fact.
“Why dont we hold the the employees of Phillip Morris responsible”
Best answer:
Answer by mizzmel
good point
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