What contract would I need to own the rights to use artwork that I’ve purchased for commercial use?
Question by bwh: What contract would I need to own the rights to use artwork that I’ve purchased for commercial use?
I’ve commissioned an artist to draw several drawings for me. I would like to know if there is a sample (legally binding) contract that I would be able to find on the internet, that I could print out and use, that would give me full rights to the artwork and I would exclusively own it and do with as I please. Any help?
Best answer:
Answer by y2n_3000
Probably a copyright release would do the trick, just make sure it expressly states that the artist is releasing any and all rights to the work.
Though you may want to talk to the artist and explain exactly what you want in terms of rights. Most artists I know won’t completely give up their copyright (myself included), but they may give permission for you to use the work any way you want. That way, they still hold the copyright and credit for the work while you can use the work in any way you see fit.
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