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Wen urges ASEAN to take lead in Asia
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Wen urges ASEAN to take lead in Asia

Wen urges ASEAN to take lead in Asia
Premier Wen Jiabao on Saturday made it clear that China will keep its promise to live in harmony with its neighbors, but he said China also expected the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to keep its leading role in the region.
Read more on People’s Daily

Feds OK disaster relief for Floyd: GEMA director visits county
Shortly after Gov. Nathan Deal announced that President Barack Obama approved a federal disaster declaration for Floyd and 15 other Georgia counties, the director of the Georgia Emergency Managemen…
Read more on Rome News-Tribune

Fitch Affirms Alligator Alley Toll Road, FL’s Rfdg Bonds at ‘A+’; Outlook Stable
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Fitch Ratings affirms the ‘A+’ rating on the $ 38.92 million State of Florida Department of Transportation Alligator Alley revenue refunding bonds, series 2007A. The Rating Outlook is Stable. RATIONALE: The ‘A+’ rating is based on the natural monopoly of the facility (Alligator Alley) as the most efficient means of east-west surface transportation in the southern …
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