Types of contracts needed to provide services for a small advertising business…?
Question by Zeke Zuniga: Types of contracts needed to provide services for a small advertising business…?
Hello, I am in the process of establishing a small advertising company that uses bike billboards to advertise. I am familiar with the documentation needed to establish the business but since this is my first Ad Biz, I am unfamiliar with the types of contacts needed or used for this type of business. Can anyone give me some dirrection on this? Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by John
Your clients will be other businesses so you will need a B2B contract (i.e. business to business contract) customized for your business model and your industry. We would have loved to help you with your contract terms and conditions but I think you are based in USA. If you intend to trade in UK then do look us up.
Good Luck with your venture.
Best Regards
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