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The new local crime boss realizes his municpality is bust
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The new local crime boss realizes his municpality is bust

The newly-elected-replacement-criminal from the other party realizes that the county he inherited is broke beyond repair. A broke Federal Government seeing a surf-bound-medieval-future can fund a “homeland security center.” Meanwhile the state government (New York State) has eyes on taking over a bankrupt county via a financial oversight board. What does the new crook do? He hires friends and family in the form of his former law firm, and he looks to double-tripple red light cameras as he reduces medical care in prisons. New York Times Mr. Mangano shrank the county attorney’s office, it awarded a 0000 contract to the law firm that employs Joseph N. Mondello, the Nassau Republican leader. And he appointed former Senator Alfonse M. D’Amato’s daughter as his commissioner of aging.Mr. Stack has brought in former Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye to advise the authority on whether to seize control of the county’s finances, and if so, how. The law creating the authority says it “shall” take over if Nassau’s shortfall exceeds 1 percent of its budget — or about millionMoody’s, the bond-rating agency, is not waiting. On Nov. 4, it downgraded the county’s debt, citing 8 million in risks and weakening liquidity, and warning that even Mr. Mangano’s contingency plans required contingency plans.acing a huge budget deficit when he took office in January, Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano did not impose a hiring freeze. He did not stop borrowing to subsidize some of the

All About MOX “commercial” www.youtube.com In 1999, the Nuclear Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) signed a contract with a consortium, now called Shaw AREVA MOX Services, LLC to design, build, and operate a Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Fabrication Facility. This facility will be a major component in the United States program to dispose of surplus weapon-grade plutonium. The facility will take surplus weapon-grade plutonium, remove impurities, and mix it with uranium oxide to form MOX fuel pellets for reactor fuel assemblies. These assemblies will be irradiated in commercial nuclear power reactors. the spent fuel standard www.sott.net here’s the link for this article. Great channel on Youtube to check out is TheFreedom2choose simply type the name in the search bar on youtube and it will bring you to that channel… also covering the Fukuchima / now not just Fukushima but many other Japan nuclear sites as well. Reactor makers draft 10-year decommission plan Japanese manufacturer Toshiba, which helped build the Fukushima Daiichi plant’s now crippled nuclear reactors, says decommissioning them will take at least 10 years. Toshiba has drafted a plan with 4 US companies in the nuclear power industry to decommission the plant, including the Number 2 and 3 reactors that it built. The company’s President Norio Sasaki said on Thursday that it has submitted the proposal to Tokyo Electric Power and the Industry Ministry. Prime Minister Naoto Kan had earlier asked the utility to come
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