when i try to upload a video on youtube it goes to hd upload at the top of the page it says loading… but nev?
Question by kiss: when i try to upload a video on youtube it goes to hd upload at the top of the page it says loading… but nev?
it never uploads the normal uploader its says video… Continue reading
How long does it take for music industry people to notice you on youtube?
Question by advicegirl: How long does it take for music industry people to notice you on youtube?
How long does it take for music industry people to notice you on youtube? im thinking about of posting videos of me… Continue reading
Music Publishing Rights Collecting Society claiming copyright on youtube?
Question by TheChipmunkCraze: Music Publishing Rights Collecting Society claiming copyright on youtube?
I have a copyright claim by a group called “Music Publishing Rights Collecting Society”. The content type was “musical composition”. I have done some research on this… Continue reading
Q&A: Youtube Infringement any music groups or publishing group doesnt mind if you use music in video?
Question by : Youtube Infringement any music groups or publishing group doesnt mind if you use music in video?
Are there any artists or publishing groups thatdont mind if u use thir music in youtube videos and… Continue reading