What is the best legal contract to use when requesting usage of video content produced by a YouTube provider?
Question by hoppin_coffee: What is the best legal contract to use when requesting usage of video content produced by a YouTube provider?
I would like to use some content produced by uploaders of youtube (vlogs and video diaries). What… Continue reading
Where can I obtain license to upload a music video to YouTube legally?
Question by Jes Parker: Where can I obtain license to upload a music video to YouTube legally?
I am looking for a way to purchase a license, so that I can legally upload a… Continue reading
Q&A: Can I use these songs by this artist on youtube?? Please help!!!?
Question by ~Ali~: Can I use these songs by this artist on youtube?? Please help!!!?
ok so i know how on youtube you cant use a certain artist if their labels belong to WMG because wmg got… Continue reading