Is there a way non-profits can license music for a cheaper price for use in Youtube videos?
by mikecogh
Question by Jordy: Is there a way non-profits can license music for a cheaper price for use in Youtube videos?
I know that you have to pay licensing fees to use popular music. I work at a… Continue reading
Warner Music Group (WMG), YouTube, Copyright Laws and the Nettizens. Another rant
CLICK MORE FOR LINKS!!!! Volley #4, with some new information for you folks about the WMG situation, and what I believe we should be doing in all this. The thing that’s humorous to me in all this is that I’m… Continue reading
Do u think putting my own instrumentals on youtube could help in becoming a professional music producer?
Question by : Do u think putting my own instrumentals on youtube could help in becoming a professional music producer?
do u think i have a strong chance of my videos becoming popular overtime or actually have… Continue reading
YouTube Views – Come & Get Some!
Get More YouTube Views Today! Have you got a great video, but your YouTube views rubbish & low? Everyone needs a helping hand to get their tube video more popular these days, because there are so many new competing… Continue reading
youtube music videos, 3rd party agreement?
Question by Lizzy: youtube music videos, 3rd party agreement?
Hi, me and my friend have a youtube account and we make music videos(, and we made about 3 more music videos, but(she’s tried to put 2 of them on… Continue reading