how would a 11 year old girl get a singing sony bmg recording contract in Australia?
Question by josiedalek: how would a 11 year old girl get a singing sony bmg recording contract in Australia?
Best answer:
Answer by kuuipogurl94
Hi! Well, I’m 13 going 14 in ’08, and I’m working on getting… Continue reading
What jobs in the music scene or in cosmetology can a fifteen year old get?
Question by Emily M: What jobs in the music scene or in cosmetology can a fifteen year old get?
I’m fifteen and I plan on either being a concert promoter or something else along those lines when I’m older.… Continue reading
Why are Liberals opposed to Gov Christy putting Teachers on a 5 year contract and then evaluating them?
Question by Psycho Dave: Why are Liberals opposed to Gov Christy putting Teachers on a 5 year contract and then evaluating them?
Is it because they see what’s coming ALL OVER the country for them?
How… Continue reading
How do you feel about Derek Jeter wanting a 4 year $88 million contract?
Question by G Money: How do you feel about Derek Jeter wanting a 4 year million contract?
The word on ESPN reports is that he will seek a 22 million per year 4 year package worth… Continue reading
How to find a job in the music/media industry for a 17 year old?
Question by greymarrow1: How to find a job in the music/media industry for a 17 year old?
I’ve just been given an ultimatum by my folks. I’ve just left school with a few GCSEs and I need to find… Continue reading