Can a 17 year old sign a contract for music management?
Question by Dj Speed: Can a 17 year old sign a contract for music management?
Best answer:
Answer by naotakun
Yes but in some states a contract isn’t valid until 18 and some music companies won’t sign
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Which form need to filled if I’m a contract employee, ITR1, ITR2 for filing IT returns this year?
Question by Surya: Which form need to filled if I’m a contract employee, ITR1, ITR2 for filing IT returns this year?
There are two forms available ITR1 and ITR2 to file the IT returns this financial year in India.… Continue reading
Q&A: Community College is looking more useless by the second; should I drop out or go to a 4 year?
Question by eric s: Community College is looking more useless by the second; should I drop out or go to a 4 year?
I’m almost 20 years old – been in community college for 3 years now, and thus… Continue reading
ChinaCast Education Reports Strong Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2010 Financial Results
ChinaCast Education Reports Strong Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2010 Financial Results
ChinaCast Education Corporation , a leading for-profit, post-secondary and e-learning services provider in China, today announced its financial results for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2010.
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Q&A: How would you advise a 13 year old who wants to get started in the music industry?
Question by Southern Girl: How would you advise a 13 year old who wants to get started in the music industry?
I recently saw one of my favorite bands [Skillet] and they inspired me to become a… Continue reading