We have a verbal agreement for month-to-month rental duplex; is there an official form for a written contract?
by Ivan Walsh
Question by spacejohn77: We have a verbal agreement for month-to-month rental duplex; is there an official form for a written contract?
The landlord said we could stay until the apartments – which are going condo –… Continue reading
The process whereby a court “rewrites” or “corrects” a written contract to make it conform to the true intenti?
Question by Karl L: The process whereby a court “rewrites” or “corrects” a written contract to make it conform to the true intenti?
The process whereby a court “rewrites” or “corrects” a written contract to make it conform to… Continue reading
Samples of how a business contract is written?
by SeattleRay
Question by *tiffany*: Samples of how a business contract is written?
I am in a applied business law class and for homework I have to make a business contract. I have been looking for examples or samples… Continue reading
Q&A: How is a credit card considered a written contract instead of an open account?
by Steve Rhodes
Question by rich61969: How is a credit card considered a written contract instead of an open account?
I am being sued by a collection agency for an old (over 3 years) Visa credit card debt. I… Continue reading
where to send piano music i have written for publishing?
Question by Eric Taylor: where to send piano music i have written for publishing?
Hi, i have written a few pieces of music for the piano and when i showed them to my music professor
she… Continue reading