Q&A: I write and Sound Like The BeaTles, do a good Mick and am as Handsom as Elvis. Y can’t I get a contract?
Question by BuckarQQ: I write and Sound Like The BeaTles, do a good Mick and am as Handsom as Elvis. Y can’t I get a contract?
How can a starving artist audition for a studio style recording when I… Continue reading
Q&A: Does anyone know where I can find out how to write up a independent contractors contract or agreement. Maybe?
Question by Lisa&Michael U: Does anyone know where I can find out how to write up a independent contractors contract or agreement. Maybe?
you know how and you can help me or if there is a website… Continue reading
I am a Great Songwriter and I would like to sell my songs that I wrote or get a contract to write for artist?
Question by Samantha: I am a Great Songwriter and I would like to sell my songs that I wrote or get a contract to write for artist?
I am a songwriter whom would like… Continue reading
What Should I write in the an email to my former boss? Please answer!?
Question by MP: What Should I write in the an email to my former boss? Please answer!?
I want to be in the music business and my former boss (who has a management company) knows a… Continue reading
Any advice on how to help me write this book?
Question by somestrangedudewantstoknow: Any advice on how to help me write this book?
The book I’m considering to write is about a super successful pop singer who is preforming on the last leg of her world tour somewhere in… Continue reading