Do you know how to write debit and credit on a general journal?
Question by Random Lurker: Do you know how to write debit and credit on a general journal?
If yes, can you please help me answer these?? Please?
If you will answer the question, can you state the particulars too?… Continue reading
Tax write offs for musicians…?
Question by Dave: Tax write offs for musicians…?
I hate dealing with tax stuff, but I gotta do it. And this year I had a big question come up…
Half of my income comes from music. When… Continue reading
Q&A: I intend to write a pay raise proposal at UPS but I need some advice, read on…?
Question by MeTaL_MaN: I intend to write a pay raise proposal at UPS but I need some advice, read on…?
I need some help from career-UPSers that know about UPS’ contracts and what not. I have been a loader… Continue reading
Can you play a musical instument and write your own music?
Question by JusDunno: Can you play a musical instument and write your own music?
I’m a non-performing song-writer who does not play an instrument! I write only lyrics and have been lucky enough to win several contests. I have… Continue reading
I write songs and make beats. How do I become a music producer and sell my material?
Question by C O: I write songs and make beats. How do I become a music producer and sell my material?
I’ve been writing songs and making beats for years now but haven’t had an oppurtunity to sell them… Continue reading