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How to Write Independent Music : How to Get Your Music on the Radio

Learn how to get your indie album on the radio in this free video series that will show you how to be a successful independent music writer. Expert: Frederick Burchell Bio: Frederick “Ricky B.” Burchell is a rapper/producer who presents… Continue reading

How to write a business contract between friends?

Question by JT: How to write a business contract between friends?
my friend wants me to invest into buying a business with him, with an investment of 25k. The Business is already established and from the looks of the… Continue reading

I am about to import from China and have been asked to write up a contract and proformal invoice, how do i do?

Question by Chris P: I am about to import from China and have been asked to write up a contract and proformal invoice, how do i do?
I would appreciate anyone pointing me in the right direction towards maybe… Continue reading

How Long is joss whedons current contract to write astonishing x-men at present?

Question by qwertplaywert: How Long is joss whedons current contract to write astonishing x-men at present?
how many issues does he have on his contract left.
also,same for the artist[john cassidy]

Best answer:

Answer by geejtopia
both ’till issue… Continue reading

How do I write a loan contract to a friend?

Question by gweirner: How do I write a loan contract to a friend?
A friend needs money and I trust him to pay it back but I’ve heard to many stories of people getting screwed.

I’m looking for a… Continue reading