Business Writing Tips : How to Write an Idea Memo
When writing an idea memo to go out to all employees, include a relevant title, a date, a time and all pertinent information to the topic. Pass around a hard copy or email out a memo withhelp from a management… Continue reading
Business Writing Tips : How to Write a Legal Memo
Writing a legal memo informs people of any legal action going on, such as personal lawsuits, company illegal activity, binding agreements or any other important changes. Summarize any legal activity going on in the company in the form of a… Continue reading
Do you have to copy write your music before you can sell it online?
Question by Yahoo Answer’s Alex Trebec: Do you have to copy write your music before you can sell it online?
I have some great tracks that I want to sell…but do I have to copy write it before putting… Continue reading
Bought music and need to write a contract to transfer rights to music?
Question by jesusgirl: Bought music and need to write a contract to transfer rights to music?
I am working on a cd and I wrote the lyrics, but I am paying someone to create the music.… Continue reading
How to Write a Quick Memorandum of Understanding
Learn how to write brief a Memorandum of Understanding for an informal business contract or partnership agreement. Visit for more on how to write a Memorandum of Understanding & sample mou templates & examples. Distributed by Tubemogul.