CT Transit workers OK contract, averting strike
CT Transit workers OK contract, averting strike
Bus drivers and maintenance employees have averted a strike by ratifying a labor contract with CT Transit.
Read more on Boston Globe
Time Warner at agreement with broadcaster
RACINE – Time Warner Cable… Continue reading
University of Florida Spin-off Xhale Innovations’ HyGreen System Makes Sure Health-care Workers Wash Their Hands
University of Florida Spin-off Xhale Innovations’ HyGreen System Makes Sure Health-care Workers Wash Their Hands
About 1.7 million people contract healthcare-associated infections, or HAIs, annually in the United States and germy hands may be responsible for as many as half… Continue reading
WA state workers’ OK furloughs under agreement
,000/week Promise or ELSE…
Image by Casey Serin
WA state workers’ OK furloughs under agreement
Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire and state workers have reached an agreement on health insurance increases and a 3 percent salary decrease that will come in… Continue reading
Is it legal for a company to force contract workers to buy worker’s comp insurance?
Question by Robert C: Is it legal for a company to force contract workers to buy worker’s comp insurance?
Is it legal for a company to force contract workers to buy worker’s comp insurance? My company threatened all contrated… Continue reading
Q&A: Health Care workers please respond, infection control question…?
Question by E A: Health Care workers please respond, infection control question…?
I work doing a busy ER doing Intake and in room registrations in a childrens hospital. We are required to put on their wrist… Continue reading