Perennial trust a small wonder
Perennial trust a small wonder
Lonsec picked first-time winner in this category, Perennial Value Smaller Companies Trust, out of the crowd of competitors thanks to its strong, sustained performance and 6.7 per cent excess returns.
Read more on Money Management… Continue reading
SOUL (Sounds of Unity and Love) – My Cherie Amour (Stevie Wonder Cover) 1972
Originating in Cleveland, OH, SOUL stood for “Sounds of Unity and Love.” The members were Lee Lovett (bass), Gus Hawkins (sax/flute), Paul Stubblefield (drums), and Walter Winston (guitar). Larry Hancock (vocals/organ) was added in 1971 and Bernard (Beloyd) Taylor (guitar)… Continue reading
Miller has a contract to sell 1000 bushels of wheat to Wonder Bread. The wheat is stored in a grain elevator a?
Question by MAN81: Miller has a contract to sell 1000 bushels of wheat to Wonder Bread. The wheat is stored in a grain elevator a?
Miller has a contract to sell 1000 bushels of wheat to Wonder Bread. The… Continue reading
Stevie Wonder Performs “Sketches of a Life”
Singer/songwriter Stevie Wonder, the awardee of the second Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song, premieres “Sketches of a Life,” a sprawling, hybrid pop-classical concerto, written between 1976 and 1994. The work was unveiled through a commission for the… Continue reading
Name of song/artist, female one hit wonder in early 2000s, video is her dreaming about a day at school?
Question by kat_alloy: Name of song/artist, female one hit wonder in early 2000s, video is her dreaming about a day at school?
This song is from the early 2000s I think. Can’t remember the name of the… Continue reading