Women Without Men Discussion
Post-screening discussion with Shirin Neshat and Shoja Azari. About Women Without Men The Walker first exhibited New Yorkbased Shirin Neshats work in 1998—the same year she won the Venice Biennales prestigious Golden Lion prize for her video pieces. Her first… Continue reading
Peter Gabriel – Games Without Frontiers

1980) The song’s title comes from a European game show, Jeux Sans Frontières, that featured teams competing for prizes while dressed in bizarre costumes. The British version of the show was called It’s a Knockout, a phrase that also appears… Continue reading
Q&A: Can I switch my iPod to a new computer and iTunes without losing all my music?
Question by Ann: Can I switch my iPod to a new computer and iTunes without losing all my music?
The computer with my iTunes contracted a virus and crashed, but I have another computer with the same type of… Continue reading
Is it possible to find a job in music without being able to play instruments?
Question by Farah K: Is it possible to find a job in music without being able to play instruments?
I am one of those people who listens to all kinds of music and knows about underground bands that no… Continue reading
How much does a verizon wireless Chocolate music phone cost??? Without the contract extension or new plan. cat
Question by Nicolas A: How much does a verizon wireless Chocolate music phone cost??? Without the contract extension or new plan. cat
Best answer:
Answer by jayster
it is $ 150 i work at verizon.
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