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How can i get into uni without a levels ? ( 10points for best answer )?

Question by James: How can i get into uni without a levels ? ( 10points for best answer )?
How do i get into Uni without doing A level’s ?

I want to do business and economics… Continue reading

Music Without Labels: Aural Fix Vid pt 2

MusicWithoutLabels.com Aural Fix Interview with Dante Cullari, Founder and President of Beat-Play, the most innovative and revolutionary online environment for independent artists the industry has never yet seen. Sign up to Beta Test in 2010!
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Can I be sued for ending a lease agreement without forming any contract?

Question by Daivd C: Can I be sued for ending a lease agreement without forming any contract?
I paid for the first month without signing any contract, but my landlords are telling me I have formed a verbal contract.… Continue reading

How much is the iphone 3G without a contract?

Question by CHRIS!!!: How much is the iphone 3G without a contract?
ok well i know the 3gs is out but i want to know how much the iphone 3g is and i know… Continue reading

Q&A: How can a small business cut employee salaries without signing new contracts?

Question by Andrew M: How can a small business cut employee salaries without signing new contracts?

Best answer:

Answer by Cindy F
Do you have a contract that states your pay in it? Most employees do not, most do… Continue reading