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Can I still become a professional songwriter without playing any music instruments?

Question by Pink Spiders: Can I still become a professional songwriter without playing any music instruments?
I want to become a songwriter and of course I have my own lyrics and I can picture how it sounds in my… Continue reading

Would music be better or worse without the whole rock star thing?

Question by LG: Would music be better or worse without the whole rock star thing?
Would more people get into it because they liked the music and not because they want to be stars? Or would good music not… Continue reading

How do you renew your contract through Wirefly without purchasing a new plan?

Question by tyler_w_rogers: How do you renew your contract through Wirefly without purchasing a new plan?
I’m trying to buy a BlackBerry Bold through Wirefly, yet when I put in my ZIP code,… Continue reading

Will a high-end Lenovo laptop be able to run music production software without problems?

Question by Hello: Will a high-end Lenovo laptop be able to run music production software without problems?
I am looking at buying a laptop for college in a few months, and for a requirement I have to… Continue reading

How to succeed in the Music Business without selling your soul?

Question by Love Angel: How to succeed in the Music Business without selling your soul?

Best answer:

Answer by ♫ALL i SEE iS Fireworks♫

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!