Where can I find a sample contract for a wine importer or winery international sales representative?
Question by sdmiasd: Where can I find a sample contract for a wine importer or winery international sales representative?
I am interested in representing a winery that wants to do business in Mexico. I do not want… Continue reading
April Wine, BTO musician Jim Clench dies
UK – London: Oxford Street – Site of Original HMV Store
Image by wallyg
363 OXford Street
July 1921 – April 2000
Site of the Original HMV Store
Opened by Sir Edward Elgar in July 1921, the HMV Store shaped… Continue reading
Sacre Bleu wine unveils new Live Nation promotion
Sacre Bleu wine unveils new Live Nation promotion
Sacre Bleu wine announced today that it has joined with Live Nation to present a special Q4 Concert Flyaway promotion for its consumers. Winners of the promotion will receive trips for two… Continue reading
Q&A: I need to find a sample contract for my band to sign that play in my wine bar?
Question by Sue C: I need to find a sample contract for my band to sign that play in my wine bar?
Looking for a document that I can sign and the bands that play music… Continue reading