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Rob Fusari will win in his lawsuit of $30 million dollars against Lady Gaga, who’s image he crafted (video)?

Question by : Rob Fusari will win in his lawsuit of million dollars against Lady Gaga, who’s image he crafted (video)?
Rob Fusari is suing Lady Gaga for $ 30 million by claiming he crafted her image—that look was decidedly… Continue reading

Rob Fusari will win in his lawsuit of $30 million dollars against Lady Gaga, who’s image he crafted (video)?

Question by : Rob Fusari will win in his lawsuit of million dollars against Lady Gaga, who’s image he crafted (video)?
Rob Fusari is suing Lady Gaga for $ 30 million by claiming he crafted her image—that look… Continue reading

Whos on your Naughty list for Christmas?

Question by ☻Jay ™☻: Whos on your Naughty list for Christmas?
The LandLord

His Wife

The Management company


Dorian.. ex music Partner..
Those are the people on my Naughty list!

Best answer:

Answer by duckdad… Continue reading

I need some good t-shirt slogans for H.S marching band who’s loosing there director?

Question by kitty: I need some good t-shirt slogans for H.S marching band who’s loosing there director?
I need some good slogans to put on t-shirts for a h.s marching band that’s going to be loosing there band director,… Continue reading

Cholo Adventures 11 “Who’s your Daddy?”

eGO just Slept with Sleepy Browns mom! Sleepy Brown has a talk with his mom about who his real father is. Then Randomly a Vendedor (a Peddler) appears to attempt to sell fruit to …his SON?! Sleepy Brown is frustrated… Continue reading