Q&A: Whatever happened to American Idol season 1 contestants ?
Question by gjallen1973@sbcglobal.net: Whatever happened to American Idol season 1 contestants ?
particulary the final 10 contestants; what are they doing now ? still in the music business or doing some other kind of work… Continue reading
Whatever happened to Dipset?
Question by kingdave: Whatever happened to Dipset?
I know its probably old news now but whatever did happen to Dipset its like they just dropped of the map or flew south (lol)… But the last song I’ve heard was… Continue reading
Anna Nalick – “Whatever Happened To You?” Poem – 01-25-11 – Saint Rocke
Anna Nalick answers the questions she gets all the time through some verse and rhyme and thinly veiled metaphors. The poem tells the entire arc of her recording career, but serves mostly to explain what Anna has been up to… Continue reading
What is it like to get a recording contract? to “get signed” or whatever its called?
Question by Tom: What is it like to get a recording contract? to “get signed” or whatever its called?
is it really like the “HOLY GRAIL” of the music business or is has youtube etc pretty much… Continue reading