Q&A: Hey all! I’m looking for a web site that I can sell videos and music videos and takes a percentage?
Question by Nick: Hey all! I’m looking for a web site that I can sell videos and music videos and takes a percentage?
Hey all! I’m looking for a web site that I can sell videos and music videos… Continue reading
What licences do I need if I want to put popular CD music on videos I make?
Question by qq: What licences do I need if I want to put popular CD music on videos I make?
I’m starting up my own small business, filming editing videos of 21st, 50ths, celebratory events. I… Continue reading
I Will Survive…Osteoarthritis: Gloria Gaynor Fronts Exercise Videos
I Will Survive…Osteoarthritis: Gloria Gaynor Fronts Exercise Videos
*Disco legend Gloria Gaynor is encouraging osteoarthritis patients to remain active as the host of a new exercise series. [Scroll down to watch a promo.] The “I Will Survive” diva is fronting… Continue reading
Bridging Heaven & Earth Show # 208 with Harold Becker and Deva Premal & Miten Music Videos
Harold has dedicated his life to living and sharing unconditional love. His company, Internal Insights, carries the mission to “empower people through self awareness and unconditional love” and his non-profit, The Love Foundation, Inc., was formed with the intent to… Continue reading
Does anyone know of a website that will host/sell your own music or videos?
Question by Food Man: Does anyone know of a website that will host/sell your own music or videos?
I have created my own music and I have some of my own videos that I producted. I’m… Continue reading