Q&A: How much would it be to end my contract with Verizon Wireless?
Question by Bartleby: How much would it be to end my contract with Verizon Wireless?
I have a two year contract with only two months left.. I have an env touch and I want the Iphone.. I want to… Continue reading
What VERIZON phone should I ?
Question by Alex B: What VERIZON phone should I ?
I am looking for a new verizon phone.
I text a lot.
I also want to listen to music and have a spot for headphones and
Have… Continue reading
How much does a verizon wireless Chocolate music phone cost??? Without the contract extension or new plan. cat
Question by Nicolas A: How much does a verizon wireless Chocolate music phone cost??? Without the contract extension or new plan. cat
Best answer:
Answer by jayster
it is $ 150 i work at verizon.
What do you think? Answer below!
HTC ThunderBolt, First Verizon 4G LTE Phone, on Sale March 17 for $250
HTC ThunderBolt, First Verizon 4G LTE Phone, on Sale March 17 for 0
The 4G-enabled HTC ThunderBolt, Verizon’s first 4G LTE smartphone, will be available starting March 17 for $ 250.
Read more on eWeek
First 4G LTE phone debuts… Continue reading
From carriers other than Verizon what smartphone / feature phone would you recommend?
Question by Kiwi: From carriers other than Verizon what smartphone / feature phone would you recommend?
Currently i’ve been looking into blackberry storm and other verizon phones but my contract’s up and I decided to give it… Continue reading