I just got a large contract for $100,000. I used to make $35,000. Do I need an accountant?
Question by dave: I just got a large contract for 0,000. I used to make ,000. Do I need an accountant?
I am an artist and will be installing a work of art over a year. I… Continue reading
What music is used in the 2010 NHL Playoffs “History Will Be Made” commercials?
Question by MulletMan: What music is used in the 2010 NHL Playoffs “History Will Be Made” commercials?
I’m a promo producer and want to make a spoof commercial, but I want to make sure the music is… Continue reading
Abe Lyman’s Orchestra, Frank Sylvano vocal – I Think Of What You Used To Think Of Me (1928)
Abe Lyman (Aug.4,1897 – Oct.23,1957) was a popular bandleader from the 1920s to the 1940s. He made recordings, appeared in films and provided the music for numerous radio shows, including Your Hit Parade. His name at birth was Abraham Simon… Continue reading
Which Music Production softwares are used by most Indian music producers and American music producers?
Question by tousif: Which Music Production softwares are used by most Indian music producers and American music producers?
I just want to know that which Music Production softwares are used by most Indian music producers and American… Continue reading
Q&A: which is the most popular form of building contract used in the UK?
Question by opusgazelle: which is the most popular form of building contract used in the UK?
Best answer:
Answer by Aaron G
Not sure about UK but in Canada it is definatly tender and bid, where an owner puts… Continue reading