CUC enters its 28th month under ‘state of emergency’
CUC enters its 28th month under ‘state of emergency’
For the 28th month since August 2008, the Commonwealth Utilities Corp. remains under a state of emergency.
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PFT: Sapp says rookie QB Tebow looks terrible
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WA state workers’ OK furloughs under agreement
,000/week Promise or ELSE…
Image by Casey Serin
WA state workers’ OK furloughs under agreement
Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire and state workers have reached an agreement on health insurance increases and a 3 percent salary decrease that will come in… Continue reading
An offer to do what you have agreed to do under a contract is? Tender of performance?
Question by aerialartist17: An offer to do what you have agreed to do under a contract is? Tender of performance?
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Is owing of a debt under a contract agreement a dispute to warrant arbitration?
Question by Blake: Is owing of a debt under a contract agreement a dispute to warrant arbitration?
I have a 1 year agreement with a company to offer technical services. The company claimed they ran into… Continue reading
How Record Labels Earn Money under Copyright Law

In this segment of his lecture at a music educators conference at Loyola University New Orleans, entertainment attorney and educator Mark Davis explains how artists and their labels profit from sales of sound recordings and the licensing of those recordings.… Continue reading