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TuneCore - Music Legal Contracts

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How do you use tunecore if you’re not 18?

Question by Aggie A: How do you use tunecore if you’re not 18?
Is that okay to use tunecore to sell your music even if you’re not 18?
If not? what are other ways to put your… Continue reading

is it ok to use tunecore and zimbalam.co.uk to sell your music?

Question by blss: is it ok to use tunecore and zimbalam.co.uk to sell your music?
is it ok to use tunecore and zimbalam.co.uk to sell your music?

Best answer:

Answer by LastRolo
Absolutely, both are very… Continue reading

Has anyone used TuneCore to get their music sold online?

Question by MaryJ624: Has anyone used TuneCore to get their music sold online?
I’m the marketing manager at TuneCore and I was just curious about whether people are happy with their experience using TuneCore? We love getting… Continue reading