Booking a Music Tour : Tips on Record Labels
Record labels are a good idea but they are not for everyone. Learn tips on what record labels are and how they can help or hurt you from aprofessional performing and touring musician in this free video. Expert: Peter Nevland… Continue reading
Booking a Music Tour : What to Say to Get Gigs
There are specific thing to say and not to say to ensure you have a good show when booking gigs. Learn tips on these important things from aprofessional performing and touring musician in this free video. Expert: Peter Nevland Bio:… Continue reading
Henry Rollins – “My Security Squad” Frequent Flyer Tour – 3 Artist Management
Like this video? Come see thousands more at the Net’s biggest, uncensored, completely diy punk, hardcore, indie and alternative music video site,! We’ve got News, Games, Contests and the stuff that we can’t show on YouTube! Free! Uncensored! Retarded!… Continue reading
Henry Rollins – “The Legend of the Mullet” Frequent Flyer Tour – 3 Artist Management
Like this video? Come see thousands more at the Net’s biggest, uncensored, completely diy punk, hardcore, indie and alternative music video site,! We’ve got News, Games, Contests and the stuff that we can’t show on YouTube! Free! Uncensored! Retarded!… Continue reading
Why Film and TV Companies Want Indie Music – A Tour of Music Row – David Hooper, host of Music Business Radio, takes you on a tour of Nashville’s Music Row and explains why TV music supervisors, film production companies, and video game producers are looking for independent musicians and songwriters to fill their music needs.