Inder Sidhu: Sequel Mania: Is Sustaining Innovation Too Much of a Good Thing in Hollywood?
Inder Sidhu: Sequel Mania: Is Sustaining Innovation Too Much of a Good Thing in Hollywood?
What’s the greenest town in American? Hollywood, where recycling has literally become an art form.
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The BSB thing and curse this is real?
Question by Historywriterfan: The BSB thing and curse this is real?
Any advice and help would be nice, sorry if I was rude, I just can’t be under this anymore, it’s not fair to me, to give up all… Continue reading
LOVE IS A TRICKY THING by Julie Feeney (album PAGES) 2009
Love is a Tricky Thing from ‘pages’ by Julie Feeney. Nominated IMTV Award Best Female Solo Award “Love is a Tricky Thing” Directed by Vittoria Colonna. Julie did all of the composing of the words and music; did all of… Continue reading
Is there such thing as music management in college?
Question by Tim: Is there such thing as music management in college?
things like talent scout or to run your own music business
Best answer:
Answer by queen for a day <3
no. if you want to go down that… Continue reading