Do you agree TNA would succeed if they did these following things?
Question by Daniel: Do you agree TNA would succeed if they did these following things?
First, they need to create their OWN Wrestlers. By this I mean not taking every WWE released Superstar. Think about “TNA… Continue reading
How do I locate a particular band even if they don’t have any website or sell music online?
Question by Avi: How do I locate a particular band even if they don’t have any website or sell music online?
This band was from Australia, formed around the year 2000, called themselves Seventh Avenue and… Continue reading
Where do you send your music to sell professionally? if they dont accept solitcit material?
Question by playasmooth2005: Where do you send your music to sell professionally? if they dont accept solitcit material?
so how do u get it heard and sell ur music?
Best answer:
Answer by sydney_sunday… Continue reading
Q&A: Where do online radio stations get their music from? And how do they let presenters get hold of it?
Question by Peteyt: Where do online radio stations get their music from? And how do they let presenters get hold of it?
I’ve been running a small online radio station for a while, playing un-copyrighted material, but we have… Continue reading
Where can I find a contract used by record lables when they sign artists?
Question by Ryan B: Where can I find a contract used by record lables when they sign artists?
Best answer:
Answer by newyorkgal71
Record label contracts are not generic, write your own contract.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!