UK lenders with ‘PrePrime’ system – loans for international students currently residing in their home country?
Question by Sia: UK lenders with ‘PrePrime’ system – loans for international students currently residing in their home country?
Are there any lenders in the UK who offer a “PrePrime” evaluation system when considering a student… Continue reading
Chisholm: Who will the Raptors be targeting with their pick?
Chisholm: Who will the Raptors be targeting with their pick?
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Paul, Restless or Not, Leads Hornets to Playoffs
Chris Paul has suggested he’d like to… Continue reading
School staff given their pink slips
Commission on Wartime Contracting Holds Meeting in Senate
Image by TalkMediaNews
(Left to Right) Norm Powell, vice president and government business acquisition executive at Fluor Corp; Cheryl Ritondale, gloabl director of procurement and supply management at KBR, Inc.; John Supina,… Continue reading
If someone were to be a music publisher as their career, would they major in Music Management/Merchandising?
Question by Rodrigo: If someone were to be a music publisher as their career, would they major in Music Management/Merchandising?
Best answer:
Answer by ownpool
They might do that if music publishing were part of the curriculum. Otherwise, a… Continue reading
Q&A: What’s the percent that major record labels take from their artists?
Question by POSD: What’s the percent that major record labels take from their artists?
Yeah so I’m in a band and it’s four of us and I was trying to see how much money a major record… Continue reading