Candidates for mayor discuss their top priorites
Candidates for mayor discuss their top priorites
The Fontana Herald News asked the candidates for mayor of Fontana their top three priorities (if elected) for the upcoming year. Here are the responses from candidates Acquanetta Warren, Bobbi Jo Chavarria, and… Continue reading
Poway Unified candidates make their cases
Image by familymwr
1099-CorrinCampbellPlaysNationalMall.jpg: Corrin Campbell and The Election plays the National Mall in Washington during the Rolling Thunder Memorial Day celebration. They will open Aug. 7 for Junior and Lisa Palleschi at the Coca-Cola Zero Music Tour stop… Continue reading
How Often Is a Country Music Artist At Their Home?
Question by calkins88: How Often Is a Country Music Artist At Their Home?
I’m signing a contract soon with a record producer and my girlfriend think’s i’m going to be gone all the time on concerts and stuff. I… Continue reading
Do you think that indy music companies would let me use their music for my wrestling promotion?
Question by The Great Pain: Do you think that indy music companies would let me use their music for my wrestling promotion?
Best answer:
Answer by Ryan
Most request a formal letter of request first.
Give your answer to this question below!
Anyone know any sites full of musicians looking for promotion for their music?
Question by joe d: Anyone know any sites full of musicians looking for promotion for their music?
Besides myspace,craigslist and facebook, where you can post blogs with links or email bands directly. Ive been posting on myspace,facebook,craigslist… Continue reading