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Wissahickon presents three-year contract proposal to teachers’ union

Wissahickon presents three-year contract proposal to teachers’ union
The Wissahickon School Board has presented a three-year contract proposal to the district’s teachers’ union.
Read more on The Ambler Gazette

CT Transit workers reject contract offer
Drivers and mechanics for CT… Continue reading

Washington Teachers’ Union president George Parker loses run-off election

Washington Teachers’ Union president George Parker loses run-off election
Washington Teachers’ Union President George Parker, who negotiated a lucrative contract for his members earlier this year but was unable to prevent the launch of a controversial new evaluation system introduced… Continue reading

Belvidere teachers to see new contract proposal this month

No More Debt agreement
contract agreement
Image by Casey Serin

Belvidere teachers to see new contract proposal this month
Teacher contract talks are moving forward in Belvidere.
Read more on WREX-TV Rockford

Selcia And Gilead Sciences Extend Liver Disease Drug Discovery Collaboration… Continue reading

Pasco teachers union uses election results to push for members

Pasco teachers union uses election results to push for members
The outcome of the Nov. 2 elections didn’t give Pasco County teachers much to cheer. The three School Board candidates endorsed by the United School Employees of Pasco won, but… Continue reading

Q&A: Will the teachers of Washington DC accept pay for performance contract, or stick with pay for tenure?

Question by Track P: Will the teachers of Washington DC accept pay for performance contract, or stick with pay for tenure?
Washington DC Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee negotiated for more than a year with local labor… Continue reading