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Q&A: What High school clasess should i take if i want to be a music producer?

Question by Juliana: What High school clasess should i take if i want to be a music producer?
Im about to enter my junior year of high schooll and i really want to be a music producer/ songwriter when… Continue reading

Q&A: My friend wants to take music business?

Question by Alien: My friend wants to take music business?
evidently there’s a music school in Nashville or somewhere that teaches music business…and throughout high school my friend has had this hippy image, and now he wants to take… Continue reading

what college courses would a music producer for a record label need to take?

Question by cam s: what college courses would a music producer for a record label need to take?
im searching colleges, and im not sure exactly what courses a music producer will need to take.

Best answer:

Answer by… Continue reading

What does it take to get a job in Music production and engineering?

Question by Ashley: What does it take to get a job in Music production and engineering?
How long would it take to get a successful job in music production and engineering? What would the pay be like
Im doing… Continue reading

What will it take to make the RIAA go out of business?

Question by Davek1013: What will it take to make the RIAA go out of business?
Ok.. we all know that the RIAA is a pretty greedy company. Its been shown multiple times. Just to name a few, suing P2P… Continue reading