I’m 15. What are jobs I can take now, that will teach and prepare me for a job in the music industry such as a?
by familymwr
Question by Freaky.: I’m 15. What are jobs I can take now, that will teach and prepare me for a job in the music industry such as a?
Music Producer
Best answer:
Answer by ladyofsorrows59
Music journalist… Continue reading
District 97 support staff also take wage freeze
District 97 support staff also take wage freeze
Two more groups in School District 97 will take wage freezes for the 2011-12 academic year.
Read more on Oak Park Leaves
Striking musicians protest Detroit mayor’s speech
In a town where… Continue reading
Take that iTunes, disc is still king of music
Take that iTunes, disc is still king of music
WHEN it comes to buying albums, Australians prefer the shiny plastic version to the downloadable one, surprising figures show.
Read more on News.com.au
Take that iTunes, disc is still king of… Continue reading
Hey guys. What I wanted to know is really what kind of class you take to major in music.?
Question by Jacob Stanton: Hey guys. What I wanted to know is really what kind of class you take to major in music.?
Im a junior in highschool and the only real thing I have going for me is… Continue reading
Take Care of Business: Reason Saves Cleveland With Drew Carey, ep. 4
After World War II, Cleveland was booming, thanks to its leadership role in heavy industry and a business-friendly climate. Today, the citys high taxes and onerous regulatory demands make it nearly impossible for new businesses to set up shop while… Continue reading