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“Baker Street” the Musical?

Question by kitty_red86: “Baker Street” the Musical?
Can anyone please help me? I am looking for sheet music for the song “Letters” from the show “Baker Street”? I have had no luck and the publishing company isn’t responding to… Continue reading

Loretto studies Railway/St. John Street improvements

Loretto studies Railway/St. John Street improvements
The Loretto City Council, Tuesday, May 10, directed City Engineer Chad Isakson to continue work on a feasibility study for improvements to Railway and St. John Streets, which, if completed, would be assessed to… Continue reading

honestly, how can i become famous, how do i promote myself, what is a street promotion team and how does it?

Question by Robert: honestly, how can i become famous, how do i promote myself, what is a street promotion team and how does it?
work, what is a good talent agency for music and what… Continue reading

Do you need a street performance license in California to play music on the street?

Question by allrockernotemo: Do you need a street performance license in California to play music on the street?
I wanted to play some music this summer with a few friends and try to make a few bucks on the… Continue reading

Roger Goodell’s Wall Street Journal Op-Ed Is A Scare Tactic, And Here’s Why

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Image by bengal*foam
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Roger Goodell’s Wall Street Journal Op-Ed Is A Scare Tactic, And Here’s Why
Roger Goodell’s op-ed piece in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal is… Continue reading