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Fraud WoW emails, how to get them to stop spamming you?

Question by borgking583: Fraud WoW emails, how to get them to stop spamming you?
I’ve lately been getting at lease every day an email staying my WoW account is been hacked or something like I’ve violated… Continue reading

Should America stop airing its programs and music in Britain?

Question by no name now.: Should America stop airing its programs and music in Britain?
according to a bunch of britons on this one question some user asked, they all hate americans and were actually glad 9/11… Continue reading

How can I stop somebody from signing a music contract with Satan?

Question by kathy6500: How can I stop somebody from signing a music contract with Satan?
Especially since I can get them a better deal?

Best answer:

Answer by Sweet Bee
Tell them that you’ll report them to EDNA!

What… Continue reading

Feds Try to Stop Grinch Before He Steals Christmas.

Free stickers..
digital music distribution
Image by mecredis
These guys worked in the music industry and were talking about digital distribution and music online.. they had never heard of Creative Commons and were quite surprised that we were hosting a salon that night.… Continue reading

UNC must stop buying coal taken from surface mines

UNC must stop buying coal taken from surface mines
Despite pressure from student organizations and coverage from The Daily Tar Heel, administrators have continued to allow UNC to buy coal extracted from surface mines, ignoring UNC’s own coal sourcing policies… Continue reading