Take that iTunes, disc is still king of music
Take that iTunes, disc is still king of music
WHEN it comes to buying albums, Australians prefer the shiny plastic version to the downloadable one, surprising figures show.
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Take that iTunes, disc is still king of… Continue reading
How to travel by boat and still save money
How to travel by boat and still save money
For travellers and pleasure-boaters, there are a variety of frugal arrangements for nautical trips.
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C-D airs early budget projections
CAIRO — A strong contingent of school administration… Continue reading
Why do music companies still exist?
Question by DialM4Speed: Why do music companies still exist?
It’s possible for muscians to make and distribute their own music so why do music companies still exist?
Best answer:
Answer by Subtle Poison
Some people don’t… Continue reading
If you could live your life over again, would you still choose to live the way you did today? Why?
Question by dds502: If you could live your life over again, would you still choose to live the way you did today? Why?
We all have our regrets in life, some in greater or lesser degree. I for one… Continue reading
Q&A: band has song. guitarist wrote guitar parts. he quit the band, can they still use it?
Question by dmorgan924: band has song. guitarist wrote guitar parts. he quit the band, can they still use it?
im making a music video for a band. however the song that we were going to use.… Continue reading