Who is the Best-Rapper that still makes music?
Question by : Who is the Best-Rapper that still makes music?
Okay, Big question! There are alot of possabilities, Personally I’ll name my Top-5 Rappers that still make music:
2:Lil Wayne
Okay, Now… Continue reading
How do I sell my car to a private party with money still owed on it ?
Question by JB: How do I sell my car to a private party with money still owed on it ?
We figure we can sell our car for around $ 35k, and we only owe around $ 24k on… Continue reading
Still in MIDI HELL!! Please HEEEELLLLPPP!!!!?
Question by llioness: Still in MIDI HELL!! Please HEEEELLLLPPP!!!!?
I have a Korg EMX-1 Music Production Station that I produce beats on. I also do some with software on my pc. I bought the midi usb cable like the… Continue reading