What is the steps and cost associated with a copyright on Artwork or an Illustration?
Question by fletcherspub: What is the steps and cost associated with a copyright on Artwork or an Illustration?
I have a idea for controversial political bumper sticker, and I know it will do great on the market. What would… Continue reading
Choreographer Emmanuèle Phuon breathes new life into ancient dance steps
Image by Verbunkos
Choreographer Emmanuèle Phuon breathes new life into ancient dance steps
In Pnomh Penh, the capital city of Cambodia, or in Siem Reap, the doorstep of the famous Angkor temple complex, tourists can drop anywhere from a… Continue reading
What steps would one take to break into the music promoting & booking industry?
Question by leisl: What steps would one take to break into the music promoting & booking industry?
Specifically, I am interested in leaving my current career. I would like to learn more about approachign the Booking Agent or Music… Continue reading
4 steps to take to market yourself as an independent artist
Get the FREE full DVD at www.discmakers.com/youtube Disc Makers and TAXI present “Achieving Success With Your Music: Hard-hitting tips on marketing, A&R, record labels, and more”
What steps are needed in starting a 3/4-year-old daycare; teaching phonics/time/crafts, etc. for pre-K?
Question by guitarstrummin: What steps are needed in starting a 3/4-year-old daycare; teaching phonics/time/crafts, etc. for pre-K?
What is the max number of children to consider? Helpful information re insurance coverage…any info on what companies may be… Continue reading