Q&A: Do I need a specific license to play music via a CD Player/mp3 speakers to my employees?
Question by PkmnTrainerJ: Do I need a specific license to play music via a CD Player/mp3 speakers to my employees?
The store already has an in-store music system, but recently people have asked if they’d be allowed an mp3… Continue reading
Q&A: Where can I find singing rock speakers?
Question by R: Where can I find singing rock speakers?
i have recently seen a fake rock that plays music. i don’t know if it is speaker where you can plug your ipod into it or… Continue reading
German Speakers – help translating?
Question by June: German Speakers – help translating?
any help with this would be appreciated. Just any of it rofl. I’ve been struggling for two days 🙁
Ridha was born in 1982 in Hamburg, Germany. He is… Continue reading
Twiistup 8 Speakers and Showoff Companies Announced
Twiistup 8 Speakers and Showoff Companies Announced
LOS ANGELES, CA–(Marketwire – 01/21/11) – Twiistup — the Los Angeles region’s seminal tech industry conference and emerging company showcase — has announced the lineup of speakers and “Showoff” companies for Twiistup 8,… Continue reading
Q&A: Where can I find contract templates for speakers?
Question by aishasmith33: Where can I find contract templates for speakers?
I am looking for sample contracts to view for speakering to groups of people? Where do I look?
Best answer:
Answer by the ferrari man… Continue reading