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Soul - 5/10 - Music Legal Contracts

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Did 2pac sell his soul? Is that just a figure of speech or can a person really do sell their soul for fame and fortune. You decide! Please watch my latest video series: MANUFACTURED FEAR. Thanks for all your support & kind words.

did Kanye West sell his soul for a music contract?

Question by Kev: did Kanye West sell his soul for a music contract?

Best answer:

Answer by Mormos
if he did then he got jiped.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Soul Eater Amv This Love This Hate

Editor: Kyssifur Download Link www.animemusicvideos.org

Nominate your favorite local business for a FREE commercial from us at ilovelocalcommercials.com Our I Love Local Commercials series is sponsored by Microbilt, a company that gives small businesses the tools to help them see… Continue reading

Soul Eater – Guitar vs Piano

((2:18 – Hah! Score one for platonic relationships!!! i DIED when i saw that. DIED. i LOVE it.)) –i LOVE it. Maka, Soul, the passion, the INSANITY! i love Soul Eater. Maka and Soul are the BEST partnership ever. better… Continue reading

SOUL – Down In The Ghetto

Originating in Cleveland, OH, SOUL stood for “Sounds of Unity and Love.” The members were Lee Lovett (bass), Gus Hawkins (sax/flute), Paul Stubblefield (drums), and Walter Winston (guitar). Larry Hancock (vocals/organ) was added in 1971 and Bernard (Beloyd) Taylor (guitar)… Continue reading