Q&A: In order to be famous or a well known music artist do you have to sell your soul to the devil ?
Question by LUIS: In order to be famous or a well known music artist do you have to sell your soul to the devil ?
Well ive been playing guitar for about 3 years and im 15 now .… Continue reading
How Do u sell your soul to the Devil…?
Question by ☆ LeFtY ★: How Do u sell your soul to the Devil…?
How does one go about selling their soul to the devil and become a member of the illuminati? I did my research and found that… Continue reading
Soul Assassains Feat.Dr. Dre & B. Real – The Puppet Master

See Music Videos www.bvmtv.com that you CAN’T See on You Tube! even some X RATED music videos! +Live Chat and Embed video codes. Soul Assassins are a loose collective of musicians and graphic artists affiliated to the hip hop group… Continue reading
DBZ BT3 – Saiyans & Fusions Moveset (Music: Dragon Soul)
Here, you will see all of the Saiyans and the Fusions 3 special moves from the Wii game, Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3. It goes from Raditz, Nappa, Turles, Fasha, King Vegeta, Bardock, Broly, Gotenks, Vegito, Gogeta, and SSJ4… Continue reading
How can you sell your soul to the illumanati?
Question by Roman Rodriguez: How can you sell your soul to the illumanati?
Well I have heard that rappers and singers basically everyone I’n the industry sold their soul to the illumanati( since music all have subliminal messages of… Continue reading